BoD Meeting

Date: 12/12/2006

Time: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Place: Nazareth Church

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Open HoA Meeting (budget presentation)
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Chad Keller, Brian Paulen, Lindsey Sturkie, Steve Acuff , Homeowners


Agenda item: Opening Announcements
Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
Discussion: Lindsey spoke about the latest newsletter that was sent out as well as the notification about the open HoA meeting taking place. Officers were introduced to those who attended. Lindsey gave a background on each director of the board. Lindsey extended thanks to the previous board members and the chair of the ARC. It was discussed that there was a conflict of interest from previous ARC members being on the BoD. Thus those newly elected BoD members resigned from the ARC committee.
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Presentation of the minutes
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The minutes from the last open HoA meeting were presented and discussed. The votes for electing the new BoD members were reviewed. The steps taken to elect the current officers were reviewed.
    Motion made by: Randall Mungo - to accept the minutes as the are
    Motion second by: Homeowner
    Conclusions: Motion carries
    Action items:
  • Minutes accepted and recorded
  • Person responsible: Patrick hedgepath
    Deadline: Now
    Agenda item: Budget presentation
    Presenter: Brian Paulen
    Discussion: The budget was presented in detail to the attendees of the meeting. Each line item was presented and any changes from the previous year to each item were mentioned. Current balance was also presented. Joe Alexander brought to the BoD attention that the 3 months that were not being billed for would need to be included in the budget.
    Motion made by: Randall Mungo - to accept the budget
    Motion second by: Homeowner
    Conclusions: Motion carries and the budget was accepted.
    Action items:
  • Budget was accepted
  • Person responsible: Brian Paulen
    Deadline: Now
    Agenda item: Architectural Review Committee
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Discussion was had of the architectural committee and how the guidelines came to be in place. Lindsey discussed what and how the ARC made changes to the guidelines. The communication between the ARC and the community was discussed including a letter that was sent out to the community asking for input previously. Lindsey again asked for volunteers for the ARC. Marvin Parsons, John Handley and Todd Pound volunteered for the ARC. The ARC responsibilities were presented to the volunteers.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: The volunteers will get with Chad Keller or Patrick Hedgepath after the meeting.
    Action items:
  • Chad Keller or patrick hedgepath will get with the volunteers about their next steps.
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller / Patrick hedgepath
    Deadline: Upon the close of the meeting
    Agenda item: Vacant Lot Committee
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The poll that was sent out to the neighborhood and it's results were discussed. Where the Vacant Lot Committee goes from here was discussed as well as any future plans for the lot. Marvin Parsons asked if the committee had looked into the possible liability that would come with building on this lot. The homeowner also asked where these funds would come from in the budget.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: None
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Landscaping Committee
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey discussed the recent cracks in the piping in the irrigation and well system. Lindsey mentioned the the problems had been repaired and that a landscaping rock was also put over the well. The tire tracks running over the grass and the entrance area was discussed. There was a call for volunteers. No volunteers came forward.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Speeding in the Neighborhood was discussed
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey Sturkie presented the idea of moving the speed limit sign further into the neighborhood and asked for other ideas from the attendees. The idea of speed bumps was mentioned. The idea of bringing the police into the neighborhood to possibly write tickets was mentioned. Lindsey Sturkie mentioned hiring a deputy off the clock to patrol. The suggestion was made to call the sheriffs office and ask if they could monitor speed in a few afternoons or mornings. Marvin Parsons mentioned from his previous experience on the crime watch committee that the police recommended adding 2 stop signs. Other possibilities for speeding were discussed.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: The BoD will take the ideas under advisement at it's next meeting.
    Action items:
  • Topic to be taken under discussion by the BoD.
  • Person responsible: BoD
    Agenda item: Other Possible Committees
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey Sturkie mentioned some of the other possible committees the BoD would like to see in place. Lindsey asked if anybody had any ideas for additional committees or if they wanted to volunteer for the committees mentioned.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: No suggestions were made or volunteers came forth.
    Action items:
  • None
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Open Floor for Issues/Concerns of the Homeowners
    Presenter: The Attendees

    Ken asked about general liability certificates as they concern to repairing the irrigation and electrical in the neighborhood. Also he mentioned we need an electric shut off for the well to be placed at the well. He suggested that the BoD find out if his insurance covers such accidents that could occur. Make sure the insurance is renewed on a regular basis. The BoD will investigate these concerns.

    Bod Handley mentioned several pools in the community do not have a fence and according to the guidelines. He also mentioned concerns about the interior decorating and the power the ARC has over planting bushes, hedges, etc. He mentioned possible discrimination when it comes to violations.

    Stephen Roberts asked Bob Handley to show him where in the Architectural Guidelines it stated his claims.

    Lindsey Sturkie made comments about the guidelines and what efforts were put into reviewing them. Lindsey discussed that more people should volunteer for positions to help alleviate any concerns homeowners might have.

    Steve Acuff mentioned that the guidelines are just that guidelines and are not written in stone. They are put in place to give the homeowner a set of guidelines to build structures with.

    Tina Pound mentioned that the covenants were in place before the development was started.

    Chad Keller addressed the issue of appliances and how the regulations affect the guidelines.

    Jill Acuff mentioned how inconsistent Mungo was in making approvals to structures.

    Joe Alexander mentioned that the ARC guidelines were modified to make it easier for homeowners to interpret.

    Randall Mungo mentioned that if homeowners were not happy with the rules they should write a letter to the new ARC or BoD.

    Marvin Parsons mentioned that the ARC was not out to get the homeowner's via the guidelines. He mentioned some common sense should be used.

    Patrick Hedgepath mentioned some of the reasons some of the things were in the guidelines.

    Stephen Roberts mentioned there was no DHEC requirement for a fence around a pool.

    Mrs. Alexander talked about the vacant lot and how she would like to see it fenced in. The BoD mentioned they would consider all options regarding fencing. She mentioned the possible liabilities involved with making changes to the lot. Brian Paulen mentioned that the BoD should definitely present any plans to the community. Mrs. Alexander asked if members of the ARC needed to be in compliance to which the BoD responded yes.

    Mike VanPatton mentioned he did not get a copy of the guidelines. Patrick Hedgepath mentioned he would give him a copy after the meeting. He mentioned the possibility of the stops signs that might or might not be put into place could devalue his home. Mike VanPatton mentioned why should the community need to pay the back fees for the domain name Patrick Hedgepath agreed to donate the domain name in it's entirety.

    Ken asked how do homeowners get a copy of the guidelines when they move in. Lindsey Mentioned that is why the BoD would like to see a welcoming committee.

    Mrs. Acuff mentioned do the homeowners get a copy of the ARC guidelines when they close with their attorney.

    Marvin Parsons asked if the BoD could publish in advance the scheduled dates and times of the BoD meetings so that homeowners could have time to present the BoD with items for discussion. He also asked if the ARC and the BoD could give a synopsis of their meetings to the community.

    Lindsey Sturkie mentioned that it might be possible to make abbreviated minutes available.

    Patrick Hedgepath mentioned that the BoD could possibly publish a summary for each meeting available on the web site.

    Bob Handley mentioned he would like to see a meet and greet with homeowners that might be held in the neighborhood.

    Randall Mungo mentioned that the entrance to the neighborhood was extremely dark. He asked if the BoD could investigate the possibility of adding some landscape lighting to the entrance to the neighborhood.

    Lindsey Sturkie mentioned the BoD had discussed this issue and had decided to investigate the issue.

    Joe Alexander mentioned this was investigated by the previous BoD with SCE&G.

    Marvin Parsons mentioned he called the state regarding the intersection at Longs Pond Rd and Nazareth Rd. He mentioned the state did not have the money to put in a stop light or stop signs. He asked about a 4 way stop and he mentioned that more people needed to call in to influence the states decisions.

    Motion made by: Randall Mungo - Adjourn the meeting
    Motion second by: Ken Homes
    Conclusions: Meeting was adjourned
    Action items:
  • The BoD will investigate each home owners concerns from the open floor discussion.
  • Person responsible: BoD